The VRX Apollo VR motion chair can also be customized for a variety of applications, including a full-featured flight simulation chair for training and entertainment applications. Whether it be a helicopter, jet, or general aviation aircraft, the Apollo is a versatile and immersive machine. PLEASE NOTE: Professional delivery and installation required; please contact our Product Specialist department to order at: (800) 537-8484. Recognized globally as the most advanced and best constructed racing simulator ever created, the VRX iMotion Z-55 delivers an intense, immersive, and unforgettable driving experience. Fight the centripetal force of the turn, feel the texture of the track The VRX iMotion racing simulator View gallery - 4 images This may be hard to believe, but driving a real race car is actually not all that much like sitting on the couch with a controller in your Address: 255 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 3M9. Phone: 416-815-0086. Simulators Available: 2x iMotion Simulator RaceRoom VRX Racing simulators demonstrates their iMotion Z-55 at Barrett Jackson in Las Vegas. Robert Stanners, CEO, talks about the company and the other services they have to offer. Visit for mor Since 1999, VRX has designed and built the world's most advanced and immersive simulation products for home, commercial, and industrial applications. Our motto has always been: "if you can dream it, we can build it." Your experience awaits.
Since 1999, VRX has been designing and developing advanced racing and flight simulators for home, industry, entertainment, and training applications. 1800-723-9791
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Watch this amazing VRX video to see the innovation and the unique 6 degrees of freedom of movement simulator in action. Amazing eSports experiences are coming soon to a theater and event near you.
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8 Jan 2013 And not only does it provide a massive screen made out of three huge monitors, the VRX iMotion also has force feedback in the steering wheel
Address: 255 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 3M9. Phone: 416-815-0086. Simulators Available: 2x iMotion Simulator RaceRoom VRX Racing simulators demonstrates their iMotion Z-55 at Barrett Jackson in Las Vegas. Robert Stanners, CEO, talks about the company and the other services they have to offer. Visit for mor Since 1999, VRX has designed and built the world's most advanced and immersive simulation products for home, commercial, and industrial applications. Our motto has always been: "if you can dream it, we can build it." Your experience awaits. The VRX RaceRoom is an all-in-on multiplayer racing experience for arcades and entertainment centres. 享vip专享文档下载特权; 赠共享文档下载特权; 100w优质文档免费下载; 赠百度阅读vip精品版; 立即开通 Choose from one of our standard sized display iMotion simulators or checkout our options list for more display sizes. Also included with the display package and unique to the VRX, is an ambient light canopy, which significantly reduces glare and provides a great place for company or team branding. The VRX iMotion is one of the most sophisticated driving simulations in the world, allowing users to drive virtually alongside actual live Nascar and Formula One racers. At the 3D Entertainment